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CIVIL LITIGATION - Instituting or defending an application or summons. Eg. A bank claiming judgment on an arrear bond and claiming that the property be sold. Or asking the Court for an interdict against a neighbour due to noise nuisance. Or suing a person for damage caused to a motor vehicle in an accident. ​


COMMERCIAL LITIGATION -  Suing a tenant for arrear rental and seeking its eviction. Asking the Court for the protection of minority shareholders. Seeking the removal of a director for abuse of office and conflict of interest.


COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS - Sale of shares. Entering into exclusive sale rights agreements. Leases and sales.


LABOUR LAW - Retrenchments of employees, protection against discrimination, unfair dismissals, unilateral change in employment conditions.


FAMILY LAW - Divorces, calculation of accrual, maintenance for children and spouses, awarding of parental rights and responsibilities to non-parents, eg removed family members or outsiders.


CRIMINAL LITIGATION - Arrests and bail, defence at criminal trials. Suing the state for wrongful arrest, detention or assault. Assisting complainants to formulate a case against an accused, eg theft from employer.


PROPERTY LITIGATION - Suing a seller for a defective property sold, compelling a seller to proceed with a sale where he refuses to.


DISPUTED TRUSTS AND WILLS - Asking the Court to admit one will and renounce another. Asking for the removal of a trustee where there is a conflict of interest.  Seeking the augmentation of the class of beneficiaries in terms of the trust.


DECEASED AND INSOLVENT ESTATES - Assisting an executor to administer an estate. Instituting a claim against a liquidator that refuses to admit a claim against an insolvent estate.


LIQUIDATION AND REHABILITATIONS - Applying for the liquidation / sequestration of an own estate or that of a creditor and having a trustee appointed.


HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWS - Assistance in investigations and hearings pursuant to an incident where there were fatalities.

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